The k ōe l is a poetic form originating from Southeast Asia, that has seen scattered use across Asia, Australia and the Pacific. They are conceptually derivative from Zen practice, and encapsulate the spirit of Zen kōan within more rigorous formal constraints. The plural form of kōel is kōel. Kōel in their original state were used to capture expressions of singular emotion, such as shock, innocence, or joy. In more recent years, kōel have been subverted to convey more duplicitous emotions such as smugness, or to convey a satirical take on the topic at hand. The kōel is a musically-inspired form that often hinges on effective onomatopoeia and sonics. When executed effectively and harmoniously with multiple sibilants, it evokes the sensation of birdsong - when written more subversively with heavy use of plosives, it creates the rousing effect of an early morning birdcall. Contents 1 Structure 2 Variants 3 Examples Structure [ edi...